Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020



지식 습득이 점점 더 중요 해지고 있습니다.

2020 년에는 전 세계 거의 모든 사람이 인터넷에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 온라인에서 비즈니스를 구축하고, 새로운 기술을 배우고, 다른 사람을 가르치기도 쉽습니다. 이미 학생과 교사를 하나로 모으는 멘토와 플랫폼이 많이 있습니다. 그렇다면 clipX의 차이점은 무엇입니까? 동영상을 쉽게 볼 수있는 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 기기에 관계없이 TV, 태블릿, 스마트 폰 및 데스크톱 용 앱에서 동영상을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 비디오는 암호 화폐와 법정 화폐로 결제 할 수있어 은행 계좌에 접근 할 수없는 사람들이 새로운 기술을 배울 수 있습니다. 이후 버전에서는 플랫폼을 분산 적으로 제공 할 것입니다.

clipX 토큰

프리 세일 : 58M 토큰

하드 캡 (메인 세일) : 72M 토큰

토큰 배포자 : clipX GmbH (독일)

토큰 Verteilung : 청구 후 24 시간


토큰 프리 세일 36,25 %

토큰 메인 세일 45 %

팀 및 창립자 3.75 %

예비비 10 %

마케팅 및 현상금 5 %

자금 분배

제품 개발 22 %

사업 개발 20 %

마케팅 38 %

법률 및 규제 12 %

직원 8 %

사전 판매

7 월 15 일-8 월 15 일

0,125 € / 토큰

ICO 단계 I

8 월 16 일-8 월 24 일

0,145 € / 토큰


8 월 25 일-9 월 2 일

0,155 € / 토큰


9 월 3 일-9 월 15 일

0,1725 € / 토큰


2016 년 3 분기

아이디어가 탄생했습니다

2017 년

계획 및 테스트

플랫폼 계획

전략적 계획 초안

테스트 환경 생성

2018 년


변호사와 함께 법적 측면의 개발 및 설명

ICO 규정

2019 년 1 분기

clipX 펌

ClipX GmbH 설립

전략적 파트너십 생성

변호사와의 법적 조정

2019 년 2 분기

ICO 개발

ERC20 Token Smart Contract Entwicklung

ICO 웹 사이트 디자인

ICO 투자 플랫폼 개발

2019 년 1 분기-2020 년 2 분기


법적 설명


ICO가 진행 중입니다


2020 년 2 분기

ICO 마케팅

인기있는 암호화 잡지에 대한 기사

현상금 캄파 뉴

에어 드랍과 도전

소셜 미디어 과제

2020 년 3 분기

ICO 판매

사전 판매

메인 세일

2021 년 1 분기

플랫폼 개발

clipX 플랫폼 개발

clipX 플랫폼 마케팅

2021 년 3 분기

플랫폼 간행물

clipX 플랫폼의 최종 게시

확장 및 확대
















What is the Candela project

Our vision is to create truly decentralized solar energy all across the world made up of we the people, not the power companies or middlemen. We have created software that allows for peer-to-peer energy trading from rooftop solar panels. By using blockchain technology we enable owners of rooftop solar panels to sell their generated energy to other consumers, bringing in the best returns possible for their solar senergy and the cheapest green energy on the market. People across the globe will be able to transfer solar energy to others in their communities using candela coins as a medium of exchange. Solar electricity prosumers will receive free candela coins just for producing solar electricity. Our decentralized system can work with or without the existing power grid infrastructure. In the event of inclement weather, power outages, or down power lines, decentralized solar power will still be able to be generated and provide electricity to the community. Candela is the impetus for the democratization of energy.


Ditch the grid with Candela Coin! Candela Coin is a token that allows holders to take part in the groundfloor phase of decentralized solar energy and a blockchain based peer-to-peer energy transfer platform. People across the globe will be able to transfer solar energy to others in their communities using candela coin as a medium of exchange. Blockchainbased peer-to-peer transfer allows users to buy, sell, or store solar power allowing energy to be more accessible and sustainable for the world. Our vision is to decentralize and democratize the consumption, transfer, and production of solar energy. With Candela coin, we remove the need for large monopolies and power companies that control the price and supply of the power we rely on, putting the power back in the hands of we the people. 

The age of transactive energy in the sharing economy is upon us, and its wide spread adoption depends on a secure and robust means for rewarding participation. Digitization is coming to the energy industry as many key network, sensor, computing and communication technologies make it possible to drive decentralization of the electric grid and energy market. Tokenization will play a vital role in securely exchanging grid edge data between users and devices, safely opening up the electric power market to broad participation. Peer-to-peer exchange of energy is upon us!


The energy market is currently facing challenges with its centralized conventional power stations and grid that require high costs to maintain. This means higher costs for the consumer. The existing electricity and power model will not be able to keep up with the increasing electricity demand with its centralized grid infrastructure. Costs will rise dramatically. Consumption is expected to more than double by 2050. Many problems we face also include power company monopolies and duopolies, poor service or non functional service during times of crisis, inclement weather, or in developing areas. There are also the issues that stem from government regulations. With the power companies if you don't pay for monthly service your power is shut off. With candela you use what you buy. It's like going to the grocery store. Get power without a power company. 

If a prosumer wants to sell their excess solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution woud allow them to get more money for their excess solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the consumer. Our economies run on energy, but the current energy system is costly and inefficient. Creating useful energy is one of the dirtiest and most wasteful things we do, from mining, refining and burning fuel, to transporting electricity across long transmission and distribution lines. In the US, some estimates show an 86 percent inefficiency in converting and transporting energy into the useful product that powers modern lifestyles and economic productivity. This creates unintended and costly health and environmental challenges, from asthma to climate change, and a significant loss of economic value. It turns out that the U.S. economy is not especially energy efficient. Of the total high-quaity energy consumed to support economic activity in 2010, only 14 percent was converted into useful work. In other words, the American economy wasted 86 percent of all the energy used that year in the production of goods and services. One can easily imagine that waste of this magnitude creates an array of costs that weakens the nation's economic and social well-being. This problem has emerged because in the current power sector business models, utilities use outdated constructs of its consumers as rate payers; missing the opportunity and value only a customer can provide. Companies earn revenue based on producing energy at the center of the utility grid, in large power plants, and pushing it to the grid edge where it “serves the load” as it is consumed. Companies generating and distributing power are accustomed to roughly 10 percent returns on their capital investment. This model locks in profitability for regulated electricity companies, but discourages innovation and saddles consumers with decades of legacy costs. 

In newly-electrifying countries, a centralized grid is too costly and sluggish for the needs of the one billion people without energy access today. As demand grows, it also becomes more distributed. It is harder and more costly to predict and balance supply and demand while lacking visibility into millions of new consumer devices and distributed energy resources popping up at the grid edge. These trends are tearing apart existing utility business models and spooking shareholders and analysts alike.


Get power without a power company. We propose that the answer to these mounting concerns is Candela, a blockchain based system that functions across connected hardware (IoT devices), a token system for transactive energy (Candela Coin), and a foundation that advances market design and technology in tandem.

We want communities across the world to create their own decentralized solar energy. Individuals in the community will own their solar panels and can sell their excess energy to others in the community. We envision that people with solar panels, small and large, will all be able to contribute electricity to the Candela system. If a user wants to sell their solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution would allow them to get more money for their solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the purchaser.

Candela uses an IoT metering device that runs blockchain technology, giving it capabilities not currently available in many energy markets. First, it shows solar panel owners how much energy they’re producing, rather than having them trust the local utility to calculate the amount. The blockchain also enables the direct transfer of energy between users and dramatically reduces the costs of such transactions. The community marketplace solution offers a compelling way for users in a community to buy and sell solar energy. Users can easily make an offer, create a budget, or even sell their own power on the marketplace. 

Token info

Ticker: CLA

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 95,000,000 CLA (76%)

Total supply: 125,000,000 CLA

Token Distribution


TEAM 20%



Q4 2019

Candela formed


Q1 2020

Proof of concept

Q2 2020


Discussions with developers and manufacturers about hardware and software development

Q3 2020

Pre-ICO sale

Token creation

Q4 2020


Marketplace/trading software completed

Q1 2021


Solar microgrid hardware, transactive grid elements and app developed

Q2 2021

Prosumer incentive portal

Mass implementation and rollout of solar microgrid hardware and software















Minggu, 26 Juli 2020


TradeKax is an outstanding platform designed with necessary, advanced features of a digital financial system to provide better cryptocurrency exchange. Featuring key elements, such as an e-wallet and a cryptocurrency exchange, our platform provides essential trading features and services, such as market cap rankings, token/coin listings, trading tools and a marketplace. Tradekax aims to facilitate the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Our platform lists approved and valid coins/ tokens. Also, we ensure that our users can trade in a safe and compliant exchange space. We are enabling an environment of total transparency and easy trading for investors to trade tokens with fiat conversions. Our focus is to maintain an ecosystem that simplifies and speeds-up the process of cryptocurrency investment. Aside from simplicity and speed, we provide our users with security and liquidity features

We are working hard is to improve the overall cryptocurrency user experience. Inspired by disruptive technologies and trends in the crypto industry, TradeKax approaches usability issues in an innovative way. Our platform is helping investors and traders make the best out of crypto trading.

TradeKax allows users to deposit, withdraw, buy, sell, and spend cryptocurrency safely. We are providing an opportunity for them to keep up with the fast-paced crypto market and trade in the most profitable way possible.

Every user on TradeKax automatically has access to the cryptocurrency support wallet. The wallet comes with certain functions, such as balance view, deposit and withdrawal. Balances currently reserved in limited order can be seen in the wallet, although the user cannot withdraw them unless the user cancels his or her order.

Through TradeKax Exchange, users can be assured that their money is secure and secure. Online wallets come with additional technical benefits. Users will be able to track trends and such. To ensure ease of use, our investors have their cryptocurrencies stored right at the TradeKax account to instantly trade any cryptocurrency on TradeKax Exchange. To ensure the security of the exchange, Users need to set a password that is difficult enough, enable security information such as 2FA Security and Verify new device and IP.

Tradekax Token
The TradeKax token is an ERC20 token and a smart contract system built on the Ethereum blockchain, and designed to be used by members within the TradeKax platform. TradeKax can be used for different purposes inside the TradeKax platform. Following this standard, TradeKax to- kens are easily transferable between users and platforms using ERC20-compatible wallets and can be smoothly integrated into exchanges. During the IEO, TradeKax will be sold on multiple plat-forms worldwide. TradeKax can be bought using Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other sup- porting fiat currencies including USD and AUD.

Market Problem
Despite the increase in public capital as more people are investing in crypto space, it is mainly crypto
miners, institutional investors, venture capitalists, financial analysts, and computer scientists that
enjoy the lucrative rewards from the market, while the ordinary investors are lost in the intricacies of
the blockchain system. A new crypto investor often finds navigating the blockhain ecosystem to be
challenging and cumbersome. Therefore, there is a need to create a simplified ex- change platform
that would be open and welcoming to new investors.

Although there are over 1500 existing cryptocurrencies, there are still certain challenges faced by the crypto market. Investing in new digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and tokens is subject to a series of risks, which include hacking, terrible user experience, and legal uncertainty.
Recognizing the existing challenges, Tradekax has been designed to provide access to digital assets to people around the world in a comfortable, secure, and better way. Utilizing blockchain technology, we plan to democratize access to global digital wealth. Our platform, which enables crypto exchange, is the ideal solution for those interested in the crypto market.
We are offering access to great investment opportunities and borderless wealth. This whitepaper will provide you with the necessary information you need to know about our platform and the services we have to offer.
This whitepaper describes the features and functionalities of Tradekax. Our platform is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, which is enhanced with multiple key merchant tools. Our goal is to ensure the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies.
The TradeKax team has already established a solid basis for sustainable mediumterm growth based on the existing products and infrastructure. We have a longterm business plan for further product development. The current market situation demands a new synergic exchange solution, and TradeKax is going to fulfill the role of a secure exchange provider and offer the much-needed infrastructure to become a market leader with the help of services and reliable network. We believe that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the payment method of the future. To make such payments possible for all consumers with maximum convenience, we aim to connect the blockchains in the background and offer an easy-to-use interface to our users. Our goal is to en- sure users enjoy the best the blockchain technology has to provide today
This whitepaer contains forward-looking statements involving inherent risks and uncertainties, and TradeKax might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections, and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates, and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements. In particular, the terms “Estimate”, “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Objective”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. These risks, assumptions and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general market conditions, market volatility, interest rate volatility and levels, global and regional economic conditions, political uncertainty, changes in tax policies, regulatory changes, and changes in levels of client activity as a result of any of the foregoing and other factors. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks or goals.
The purpose of this whitepaper is to describe the intention of the TradeKax Exchange project to potential users and investors. The information within this document does not imply any contractual relationship between the user and the TradeKax team or platform. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be deemed to constitute any sort of offering to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. Certain statements or claims within this whitepaper constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to uncertain- ties, the actual events or platform associated with TradeKax may differ from the estimated results outlined in this document.
There are different risks involved in the acquisition of Tokens and in the crypto industry generally. Be- fore the acquisition of tokens or participating in any crypto trade, every participant ought to evaluate judiciously any information and risks as well as consult financial experts. TradeKax will not be liable for any risk you encounter during your use of its platform.



Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

Devils Dragon

Devils Dragon
Please read through the Terms and Conditions, and Disclaimer of Liability provided at the end of this White Paper, as this White Paper shall not at any time, whatsoever, be considered or construed as a clear explanation, be it in words or illustrations of what it is all about. Nothing herein expressly or impliedly should be considered as advise on how, when, and who to engage with as you go through this White Paper.

You are hereby advised that you seek advice from your legal, financial, and or any other professional advisor prior to engaging on the output of this White Paper. In addition to the foregoing, you are informed through this Disclaimer that this White Paper is not provided for purposes of soliciting, advertising, and or meant to directly or indirectly make an offer for anyone to purchase DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (Devil´s Dragon, DDGN).

This White Paper does not in any way refer to activities that take place under Securities Exchange, therefore, the issuance of the DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (DEVIL´S DRAGON Tokens) (Tokens) (also “DDGN” / “DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN” / Devil´s Dragon”) will not amount to issuance securities in whatsoever nature. DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / Tokens are similar to assets, hence, do not fit any definition of a currency of any nature, both virtual and fiat currency.

When purchasing the DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / Tokens you shall be guided by a different Terms of Use that will be provided for under the domain name hosting the DDGN / DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN Universe / Ecosystem / Platform / Sites. The Terms of Use shall include other policies, like Acceptable Use Policy, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy.

By virtue of utilising our site, with or without reading this White Paper, with or without understanding this White Paper, with or without seeking whatsoever professional advice, you agree that you are aware of what you are engaging in and we shall not be liable to you or your assigns, agents, employee, employer, and or anybody else for whatever tortious, civil, and or criminal liability that may arise whether directly or indirectly

The DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) is not only a reflection of a practical society that is uniquely designed to sustain peer-to-peer (P2P) engagement or a simple Token enhanced by the ERC-20 Ethereum Blockchain, which enables development of Decentralised Applications (DApp) that enable transactions to sell, exchange, and trade, it is also a unique multi-use cryptocurrency with many active sites. There are projects developing and supporting DApps, and platforms like an independent video and revolutionary (forum-like) content-sharing program, all using the DDGN Ecosystem and fuelling its rapid growth.

The DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) is not only decentralised, but also autonomous and encrypted. It offers the option to share, publish, and earn (through selling, trading, exchanging, and merely utilising the features of its own ecosystem), making it easy to enjoy a new world of multimedia and especially adult entertainment. In that regard, this would not only bring new business models to life but also disrupt other players that make the price of contemporary adult entertainment unreasonably high.

DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS will be usable and will be converted into fiat currency via any Ethereum wallet through an ERC-20 token-friendly Exchange and/ or ATM like any other valid and eligible token. They will also be able to be used with any other Blockchain project and/or technology that is already in operation. That is just the start, as there is potential for DDGN to offer many other features with many of them already live.

DDGN is and will be used on active sites to access content and/or on a video platform for creators to watch videos and receive rewards. Beyond that, to drive the dynamics of its own ecosystem DDGN will enable others to adopt many more revolutionary and innovative business models in the very near future.

The potential for earnings will be further harnessed through features including rewards and revenue sharing, live broadcasts, moderating content for the approval or disapproval of forum posts, mining for content, and arranging unused hard disk space to earn more DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS.

The DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN described here only marks the initial stage of
revolutionising Adult Entertainment.
It brings innovation to real life working products on Blockchain.

Unlike the current environment, in which one switches on a camera or logs into a private website to watch and wish he could be a part of it, DDGN presents an opportunity to be an active participant in an adventurous place. A person can put the systems to use and put their thoughts into action via an Ecosystem that is operable based on the availability of DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS.

This White Paper is being updated frequently as we pass through the stages of the offering process and make progress in all areas. The version number and date will be updated on the first page and the latest version will always be available via: www.devilsdragon.com/whitepaper.pdf

Bravo Models Media
An Adult and Non-Adult Video Photo Production and Erotic Model Agency with 30 years of experience in providing exclusive content.

Bravo Cash
A Video production and Model Agency based in Prague with exclusive content and stars.

Europe Top Girls
A stable and reliable partner of some of some of the biggest model agencies in the world. Specialized in delivering the best of the best models from Eastern Europe, Asia, and other countries

Real Wild Girls Network Media – Content Partner
Since 1999, RWG Media has been one of DDGN’s content partners and all of its 25+ DVDs with fresh and original content will be available in the DDGN Ecosystem when the platform is ready.

Token Information
Token name: DRAGON DEVIL
Token Symbol: DDGN
Supply Token: 180 000 000 NOT MINTABLE
Decimal: 18 – Token type: ERC20
CURRENT STATUS: Under Crowdsale with 5% PRE-SALE

Only Ethereum is accepted.
Token value 2000 DDGN = 1 ETH for PRIVATE – ONLY PRESALE,
in SALE (ITO) RATE 1000 DDGN = 1 ETH
START PRESAL: 2020-08-15 00:01
DONE: 2020-08-31 23:59

Total Supply and Distribution
25%: Marketing
35%: Tech Development
15%: Content
15%: Business Development
10%: Legal and Regulatory

Bonus Conditions:
Time Bonus for SALE ONLY
Bonus: half
Dates from 2020-08-15 00:01 Dates until 2020-08-31 23:59
Min and Max business barriers to PRESALE: Minimal
1 ETH Maximum 210 ETH per Wallet
Extra Bonuses 5 and More than 5 ETH to 10 ETH: 10% (10 and 10+: 25%)
Investors will get their tokens when buying, but for all types of prizes there will be a second (manual) step taken by us to their wallet.
Early 2018.
KISSES TECH Established as a Czech Company (February)
Between the beginning of 2018 and the end of 2019.
Fixed Adult Entertainment Coin + Many other projects related to Adult Entertainment and Blockchain to evolve and gather together: DDGN

Early 2020

Launch of the DDGN Project

Mid 2020

Launch of ETHpimp

Q3 2020


Late 2020
Alpha version of the DDGN Dedicated Video Platform with a Decentralized Prize Service for Display and Manufacturing works with DDGN
More Active Sites and More Partners for Ecosystems
Alpha Version and Initial Registration First Delivery of Crowd Content Funding Network with Prizes & Decentralized Direct Revenue Sharing on the Stock exchange list

Early 2021
DDGN Platform Beta Version Dedicated Videos that Live Immediately with Real Rewards and Share Earnings for Views & Creations
CDCFN.COM Fully Active with the Distribution of Live Prizes and Adding New Sites to the Ecosystem makes DDGN more rare, enjoyable, and valuable to everyone involved.

For more detailed information:
WEBSITE: https://www.devilsdragon.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://www.devilsdragon.com/whitepaper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5260322
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/DevilsDragon
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dragon_devils
FACEBOOK: https://fb.me/devilsdragonofficial
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/devilsdragon_official
AUTHOR: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2798917

Originate Coin

Originate Coin
#originate #coin #blockchain #btc #eth #ORC
What is ORIGINATE Coin

Innovation has changed the manner in which individuals work, convey, shop and even compensation for merchandise. Organizations and purchasers don't generally favor money any longer, and this conduct is offering approach to contactless installments like Apple Pay. With the brisk rush of a cell phone, customers can pay for things at advanced registers. Presently, another installment framework is developing: digital money.

Most likely everybody found out about Bitcoin at this point. It was the principal digital currency to go standard, yet others are developing in fame. There are in excess of 2,000 distinct sorts of cryptographic forms of money, and more are built up each day.

Cryptographic forms of money are generally manufactured utilizing blockchain innovation. Blockchain portrays the manner in which exchanges are recorded into "squares" and time stepped. It's a genuinely mind boggling, specialized procedure, however the outcome is an advanced record of digital money exchanges that is difficult for programmers to mess with.

Furthermore, exchanges require a two-factor verification process. For example, you may be approached to enter a username and secret word to begin an exchange. At that point, you may need to enter a confirmation code that is sent by means of text to your own phone.

ORIGINATECoin(ORC)is another blockchain cryptographic money dependent on the powerful ECR20 Ethereum Token innovation. Start Coin was built up out of the aggregate aspiration of Bitcoin aficionados and prepared speculators. Ourgoalis to help cryptographic money financial specialists esteem the irinvestment by supporting their digital currencies' portfolio.We give to arobustand quill light code which brings are at risk answer for the moderation of severalwell-realized dangers related with owningcryptocurrencies.

ORIGINATECoin Token has the aspiration to get one of the basic segments of asoundand broadened portfolio. ORIGINATECoin(ORC)cryptocurrency means to arrive at the fifth spot in advertise capitalization throughout the following two years through wide spread appropriation of theORIGINATE Coin token. ORIGINATECoin(ORC) is intended to becompatible for exchanging with all significant money trades. The Ethereum innovation permits ORIGINATE Coin token to be in the end exchange information significant expense/high recurrence rate and to be come the best quality in digital money trades.

ORIGINATECoin(ORC) is okay. With ORIGINATE Coin, each key proprietor has direct power over their own symbolic parity in a private and secure manner. Because of the robustness of the Ethereum platform,on ORIGINATE Coin anybody can set up anode that imitates the important information for all hub store a chan understanding and be remunerated by clients. This permits ORIGINATECoin (ORC) client store primary private and ORIGINATECoin (ORC) money exchanges to be decentralized. Given the promising out look of the High token and the strength of it sunderlying Ethereum blockchain innovation, early adopters will profit by acompetitive bit of leeway in its market capitalisation.

Invest​​ in​​ the ​​ORIGINATE Coin​ Token​​-​​features
One​​ of​​ the ​​most ​​promising​​ technology
Blockchain is one of the most promising new technologies for the future.It is this distributed ledger technology that underlies ORIGINATE Coin (ORC). Providing a new way to record and transfer data.It is transparent,safe,auditable,and resistant to outages. 

Our Refferal Program
Earn up to $100 in free ORC Ref Your friends. You’ll earn 5 ORC for each friend you invite to the Airdrop . Up to 500 ORC, valued at $100. 

Soft-cap Budget Allocation
27% Product Development
Product development according to the roadmap.
39% Marketing, sales, merchant acquisition & partnerships
Expenses for attracting the retailers to the platform, making partnerships with payment providers, website builders, loyalty programs services providers and other partners.
12% Operations
Operational costs, non-tech staff salaries.
6% Legal
Company and subsidiaries establishment, contracts with the retailers, development of legal opinions about the entire stack of BitRewards services and retailers’ operations, etc.
16% Management
C-level executives salaries.

Token Structure
Token Name : Originate Coin
Term Symbol : ORC
Decimal : 18
Technical limitation of tokens: 500,000,000
Token Price: $0.2
Secured ways to purchase tokens:
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Binance (BNB)
Hardcap: $1,000,000

November - December 2019
Initial Coin Offering and promotion, Token diffusion and promotion, Social Media Campaign
Jan, Feb, Mar 2020
Project review and development of new smart contracts based Originate Coin post-project review finding
Aprl- June 2020
Implementation of new smart contracts
July- August 2020
Pre-sale, Ico, Airdrops
September- November 2020
IEO- Bounty
Dec 2020- Jan 2021
Exchange Listing, website update for more unic
Coming Soon

Our Team Members
Christopher Kevan
John Lester
Regina Eunice
Trần Huy

Our Advisors
Ashley Lim
